As you probably know, there are dozens of search rank checking and search rank tracking services. But did you know that many get their search rank data directly from Google (GSC).
We have written our findings about the accuracy of GSC (Google Search Console) data here – Inaccurate Search Rank in Google Search Console
Are there others questioning or challenging the accuracy of search rank as reported in Google Search Console? Yes.
…My message to everyone: think about data quality and validity before using Google Webmaster Tool data for your research, predictions or reporting purposes. It is ok to analyse trends and movements, using individual data points is not recommended.
…Call me unsurprised, but this wasn’t even close. Standard rank tracking methods performed far better at predicting the actual number of clicks than the rank as presented in Google Search Console. We know that GSC’s rank data is an average position which almost certainly presents a false picture.
…Google does not really like others to evaluate what they scrape : ) So if you want real rankings from specific locations or languages you’ll have to go with…
And you can include us.
…the website is in fact usually in the #1 spot and sometimes #2 – consistently ( not measuring paid ads ) for an average rank of 1.3. Google’s reported average search rank of 8.1 is a huge difference. You would think something like that can’t be.
We recommend SearchStation for accurate rank reporting – get SearchStation.